Free Kindle Fantasy Books

If you need to add more fantasy novels to your Kindle library, you’ve come to the right place. The Kindle store typically offers 60,000 to 80,000 free Kindle books at any given time…a couple of thousand of those are fantasy books. The selection of free books changes frequently so it’s worth browsing it on a regular basis. Amazon makes it difficult to find or search for free books directly on their site.  So here’s a simple solution–the links below take you directly to the free fantasy book selection on Kindle, where you can download books and get them delivered directly to your Kindle.

Free Kindle Fantasy Novels

Start your search free Kindle fantasy books below. Two notes: 1) Amazon includes some paid books in its free book selection. Make sure the book is truly free before taping that buy button. 2) If the names of fantasy sub-genres listed below seem a bit strange to you, then you’re not alone. These are Amazon’s naming and taxonomy system for fantasy books, not ours.

All Free Fantasy books on Amazon
Action & Adventure

Alternative History
Anthologies & Short Stories
Christian Fantasy
Coming of Age Fantasy
Dark Fantasy
Dragons & Mythical Creatures
Epic Fantasy
Fairy Tales
Gaslamp Fantasy
Historical Fantasy
LGBTQ+ Fantasy
Metaphysical & Visionary
Military Fantasy
Myths & Legends
New Adult & College
Paranormal & Urban Fantasy
Romantic Fantasy
Sword & Sorcery
TV, Movie, Video Game Adaptations

How to make sure that free fantasy book is really free

Here’s how to double check to make sure the Kindle book you are looking at is really free on Amazon. Look at the buy box and make sure the “Kindle Price” reads “$0.00”.

Buy box on free Kindle books
The buy box on free Kindle books looks like this. Note: the Kindle Price is $0.00.

Buy box on paid books
The buy box on paid books or on books that are only free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription looks like this.  Note: the “Kindle Price” is not free.

If you accidentally purchased a book that isn’t free, you can request a refund following Kindle refund these steps.